Charlotte Ingram - whole family naturopathy services Melbourne

What am I learning about? Continuing professional development

Picture of Charlotte Ingram

Charlotte Ingram

I love learning. I’m constantly updating my knowledge.

Here’s a list of professional development I have recently completed:


  • Professional Certificate Of Neurodivergent Affirming Practice- 25 hours- Divergantz Collective
  • Currently studying Graduate Certificate in Child and Adolescent Mental Health through VU Online
  • Mastering Adult ADHD with Effective Treatment Plans- Jules Galloway/Designs for Health
  • Occupational Therapy in Perinatal Mental Health: Cultivating wellbeing through doing, being, becoming and belonging- Outer Eastern Perinatal and Infant network
  • Supporting the mental health of a neurodivergent person with co-occurring Autism and ADHD- Mental Health Professionals’ Network 
  • Supporting the mental health of children who engage in bullying behaviour- Emerging Minds
  • Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia- Herbal Medicine Summit- 25-26 May, Sunshine Coast


  • Mastercourse II- Thyroid and Adrenal Diagnostics (30+ hours) – Rachel Arthur Nutrition- currently on Module 3 of 6
  • Diagnosis & management of Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency- Dietitian Connection AU
  • Cell-Logic International Symposium: The Secret Language of Food: Decoding Nature’s Healing Signals- 13 hours
  • Pregnancy and the Vaginal Microbiome- Moira Bradfield-Strydom and Rhiannon Hardingham
  • Healthy Gut Practitioner Training: Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Approaches to Gastrointestinal Disorders- 60 hour training with Dr Jason Hawrelak
  • Advanced Microbiome Manipulation- 40 hour training with Dr Jason Hawrelak through the Microbiome Restoration Center.
  • Paediatric Continence- 25 hours- Continence Foundation of Australia. Addresses anatomy and physiology of lower urinary and gastrointestinal tracts, development of continence in children, and assessment and management of both organic and functional problems. 
  • Endometriosis Masterclass- Rhiannon Hardingham, 6 hours total : Session 1: Aetiology & Assessments, Session 2: Clinical Interventions for Disease & Pain Management, Session 3: Clinical Management of the Endo & Adeno Fertility Patient
  • Management of Adolescent Asthma- Royal Children’s Hospital
  • The Infant Microbiome- Dawn Whitten, Probiotic Advisor/The Microbiome Restoration Center
  • Ethical Issues in Lactation- Breastfeeding Conferences
  • In whose best interest? The ethics of autonomy, coercion and informed consent in infant feeding – Dr Alison Stuebe- Breastfeeding Conferences
  • Formula for Deception – Christy Jo Hendricks
  • Infant Feeding and Allergy Series– Breastfeeding Conferences Australia, comprising of:
  • Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) – Danuta Amelung
  • Reintroducing foods into the maternal diet post exclusions – Frances Walker
  • Gut Health and All That Jazz – LaChiana A. Hamilton
  • Common infant digestive health concerns and useful support strategies – Melissa Cole
  • Food allergy in the breastfed infant: Diagnosis, management and insight into the development of the problem – Thorsten Stanley
  • Empowering Breastfeeding through Infant Food Reactivity – Trillitye Paullin
  • Unlocking the Inner Ecosystem: Decoding the Gut Microbiome for Clinical Application- Microba/Co-Biome
  • First, Do No Harm: Antimicrobial Herbs and the Gut Microbiome- Microba/Co-Biome


  • Responding to Reproductive Loss and Grief: Fertility, IVF, ART; Not Enjoying Parenthood; Post-abortion support- Suzanne Hurley, Fertile Ground Health Group.
  • The importance of subjective assessment and the history taking process- Advanced Clinical Education
  • Presentations from the International Children’s Continence Society webinar- accessed through Continence Foundation of Australia
  • Parental Burnout: Diagnostic and Treatment: Training Institute for Parental Burnout
  • Advanced Period Repair- Lara Briden- Health Masters Live
  • Rethinking PCOS- Lara Briden
  • Advanced Pre and Post Natal Nutrition- Brittany Darling, Designs for Health
  • Long COVID Syndrome- Long COVID Immunology and Long Haul COVID- Heather Zwickey and Jeff Novack- Health Masters Live
  • The Art of Crumbing- Using crumbs during food exploration helps children learn to try new foods and build confidence. Exploring how crumbs help children gain sensory skills and motor skills at the mealtime.
  • Food Stretches: Stretching From Familiar- A s-t-r-e-t-c-h is a new food trying technique that helps a child learn to enjoy a new food or food property in tiny steps starting from a familiar food or food property. You s-t-r-e-t-c-h from “familiar,” something the child knows and likes.
  • Mealtime Peace- exploring ways to help families find mealtime peace as a starting point for enjoyment, reconnection, and new food trying.
  • Trauma and Feeding: Supporting Families at Mealtimes with a Trauma-Informed Lens
  • Pressure and Permission- Looking at the influence of pressure on a child’s ability to participate in mealtimes, to learn from food opportunities, and enjoy eating; the neurophysiological basis of pressure and stress on the nervous system and how pressure reduces interest and permission in eating interactions.
  • Food is Sensory- There is a look, smell, touch and texture, smell, taste, and even sound. These are the factors that helps us love and enjoy our meals but can be a sensory roadblock for children who are worried eaters. We will explore each food sensory channel and discover how we can grade our food offers carefully to increase an anxious eater’s ability to explore and find enjoyment in that food. We will review research that supports an increased understanding of food sensations and look at ways to support parents in their food presentations.
  • The Cycle of Effective Feeding Therapy: A Responsive Feeding Approach- facilitating children of all ability levels to build on their strengths and discover their own intrinsic motivations to eat, including hunger, connection, joy, comfort and curiosity.


  • Bachelor of Medicines Management with Professional Honours in Complementary Medicines- University of Tasmania
  • Grade the Ask: A Sensitive Strategy for Careful and Successful New Food Interactions- Get Permission Institute
  • Integria Healthcare Symposium- ‘Restoring the Seat of Health- Advanced GIT Clinical Insights’
  • Reproductive Hormone Assessment & Herbal Medicine Prescription Masterclass- Rhiannon Hardingham- Fertile Ground
  • Bioceuticals Symposium- Enhancing Mental Wellbeing
  • Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome- Water Damaged Buildings: An exploration of water-damaged building exposure and biotoxin illness- Amie Skilton, Bioceuticals
  • Level 1 Thyroid Practitioner Training- Tara Nelson
  • Vitae Mosaic- Carla Wrenn
  • Infant Feeding Foundations Workshop- Babble and Munch

Topics included

  • Developmental foundations of feeding and oral development
  • Assessment of oral structure, function and feeding skills
  • Evidence based assessment and management of tongue tie
  • Treatment of breastfeeding and bottlefeeding difficulties
  • Treatment of early solids difficulties, including oral motor skills

Mental Health Primer Group Mentoring with Rachel Arthur – topic based clinician mentoring over 9 months.

Topics included:

  • Safety – Keeping You & Them Safe
  • Where Are We Now? – An Update on Mental Health from an Integrative Medicine Perspective
  • What Drives Us Toward & Away from Mental Health?
  • Questions and Case Taking Skills – The Best Ones for Identifying Mental Health Drivers
  • Mental Health Assessment Tools
  • Interpretation of Labs through a Mental Health Lens Part 1
  • Interpretation of Labs through a Mental Health Lens MH1 part 2
  • What Helps Us? – Detailed discussion & update on key prescriptions
  • Antidepressant Withdrawal Discontinuation Syndrome & Best Support Practices
  • A Depression Case From The Ground Up


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