Children's Naturopathy Services

Tailored individualised care for you and your family's needs.

I have a baby

How do you work out what’s best for you and your family?

There’s so much conflicting advice about feeding and sleeping and all the things that are ‘best for baby’.

I believe in listening to you with compassion and a curious ear to give you the best care for your baby’s individual concerns.

You and your baby might need support with:

Naturopathy services for babies Melbourne - Charlotte Ingram
Natural health support for children and families - Charlotte Ingram

I have a child

Are you having to take time off work or missing activities because your child is unwell? Do they get every daycare bug going around?

When your child is unwell, your whole family is impacted. You want to support them to wellness with safe, effective remedies and support.

I can help with:


Initial consultation (up to 60 minutes)- $175

Return consultation (up to 30 minutes)- $85

Extended naturopathy consultation (up to 45 minutes) $120 — if it has been more than 12 months since your last visit, please book this appointment to allow adequate time.